VSMPO Tirus UK operations provide sales, distribution and service centre processing of titanium mill products for material to the aerospace, medical, and other general engineering markets.
In the three Redditch facilities, we can process titanium to meet exacting customer requirements for products in a variety of forms, sizes and quantities. VSMPO Tirus UK can also offer a range of other engineering services.
VSMPO TIRUS UK, located in the heart of England, was established to service the UK’s aerospace, medical, and other general engineering markets with titanium products. We support long term contracts, as well as spot market customers from a wide product range held in Redditch. We offer cutting, machining and other added value services to the benefit of our customers' needs.
Production begins at the sponge manufacturing stage at the AVISMA facility.
The Corporation holds over 250 certificates for quality and environmental management systems, various processes and products.